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Here you can find more information about our Computing Curriculum. 


Here at Leafield C.E. Primary School, we intend to develop ‘thinkers of the future’ through a modern, ambitious, and relevant education in Computing. We want to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world. It is important to us that children understand how to use the ever-changing technology to express themselves, as tools for learning and to drive their generation forward into the future.

Whilst ensuring they understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want children to develop as respectful, responsible, and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.

Our aim is to provide a Computing Curriculum that is designed to balance acquiring new skills and aid a broader and deeper knowledge of pre-existing skills alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts.


We follow the National Curriculum programme of study which covers all three areas of Computing: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. We have carefully selected a scheme of work that we feel more than adequately covers the National Curriculum statements for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Computing is planned, taught and assessed using the online scheme of work, resources and assessment tools from Teach Computing. Teach Computing provides an innovative progression framework where computing content (concepts, knowledge, skills, and objectives) are organised into interconnected networks called learning graphs. Teachers use these assessments to directly inform lesson planning and to identify opportunities to assess pupil understanding at key points in a lesson or unit. 

In KS1, children continue their journey with the BeeBots, using them more precisely. They learn how to programme a BeeBot to reach a destination and begin to be able to debug when something doesn’t work out the way they imagined. 

They learn about online safety and what to do if they encounter something which makes them feel uncomfortable, as well as what personal information is and why it is important we don’t share it with someone on the internet. Coding then progresses from BeeBots onto a computer-based programme where children learn how to programme a variety of sprites.

In KS2, children continue this coding journey, not only making the sprites move, but also code to create interaction between sprites. As children progress up KS2, the coding becomes more complex, and they are able to create basic games with code. Their digital literacy skills are combined with English, Science, History and Geography and work is word processed and presentations are created using PowerPoint.  The children are also taught internet safety throughout each year of KS2. They know how to keep themselves safe online and what to do if they come across something that makes them uncomfortable. KS2 are taught the difference between being a 'bystander' and an 'upstander' and the importance of reporting something they experience happening to themselves or another person, as in accordance with our Anti-Bullying Policy and our Online Safety Policy. Upper KS2 understand the importance of media balance and appreciate that as they get older, they are more responsible for their online presence and how often they access a variety of forms of media.


Within Computing, we encourage a creative and collaborative environment in which pupils can learn to express and challenge themselves whilst supporting one another. The success of the curriculum itself will be assessed via the analysis of yearly progress data; conducting regular pupil voice sessions; lesson observations and skills audits. This will then inform future adaptions of the schemes of work and help to ensure that progression is evident throughout school.  

In order to demonstrate that we have accomplished our aims, pupils at Leafield C.E. Primary School should: 

  • Be enthusiastic and confident in their approach towards computing.
  • Present as competent and adaptable ‘Computational Thinkers’ who are able to use identified concepts and approaches in all areas of their learning. 
  • Be able to identify the source of problems and work with perseverance to ‘debug’ them.
  • Create and evaluate their own project work. 
  • Have a secure understanding of the positive applications and specific risks associated with a broad range of digital technology. 
  • Transition to secondary school with a keen interest in the continued learning of this subject.